Research Background

When I started at Red Bull, there was no existing documentation on the Red Bull TV user.

Research Purpose

I wanted to empower my team to make decisions based on user wants, needs, and behaviors instead of relying exclusively on business objectives or the loudest voice in the room.

I began an ongoing research initiative to collect insights about our users. Red Bull TV does not have reliable analytics tracking app usage, or analysts to help translate that data, so I crafted an approach that would provide both qualitative and quantitative feedback through interviews, survey-style user tests, and extensive app review analysis.

Areas of Investigation

I created a set of multiple choice & open response questions that I include whenever I have research requests that require a Red Bull TV user recruit.

Since I began this initiative, Iā€™ve collected 120 responses to these questions, helping define our usersā€™ preferences and behaviors. I continue to update our User Guide to reflect actionable insights learned from these responses.

  • What motivates them to watch Red Bull TV?

    Why do they open the app in the first place?

    What goals are they trying to fulfill or accomplish?

  • Whatā€™s the context surrounding their RBTV usage?

    Do they watch alone or with others?

    Do they access across devices - mobile, web, TV?

    Does their usage change based omn the context/device?

  • How do they approach finding content?

    Do they prioritize the category first (Bike, Motor, Surf, etc.) or the content type (film, TV series, etc.) - or do they not think about it this way at all?

  • Where do they spend the most time in the app?

    Where do they typically go to find content - do they mostly stick to the Home page, or do they utilize Category-specific pages, Events, Search?

    Do they engage with features like ā€œfavoritesā€, ā€œremindersā€, or ā€œfollow interestsā€?

  • How do they evaluate Red Bull TVā€™s UX?

    Do they have ideas for new features or improvements?

    Do they have any particular pain points?

Recruit Overview

Research Findings



Red Bull TV: Browse Redesign